How to Convert Headband Bows into Clips Your Girls Will Love! (with Step-by-Step Instructions!)

Thereโ€™s nothing more precious (okay, well, very few things) than an adorable, sweet, little bow! ๐ŸŽ€ My girls have outgrown their headband bows (cry with me, friends! ๐Ÿ˜ญ), so instead of just letting these beauties collect dust for years to come, I found a simple and inexpensive way to save headband bows (of all kinds) from the dust monster, and have them back where they belong – in the hair of special little gal. Head to the blog for the full DIY project, and to find out which *special* material I found to hold hair tightly (that I may not have discovered without a doc in my household)! ๐Ÿ˜ bow conversion, girl bows, diy bows, headbands, alligator clips, DIY project