To the 50-Year-Old Me: Regrets in Motherhood

Thinking of myself reflecting back on this stage of motherhood at age 50, carries with it a tremendous, and apparently very real, fear. 

The possibility is gut-wrenching, cry-worthy. It’s body-aching.

It’s the possibility that my best efforts may not be good enough.

My insides HURT when I consider that as much as I try to soak in these moments while I have them right here in my hands, one day I may STILL long to have them back.

It’s possible. It’s certainly possible.



There’s this…piece. This…other thing. This other “side” of things that sometimes, especially on the bad days, that I want to say, but don’t, in response to that well-intentioned grocery store mom. letter to me, motherhood, motherhood truth, honest motherhood, christmas scene, mom blog, motherhood reflection, motherhood regrets