Here’s What Happened When I Tried Tinting My Eyebrows With NO Experience (+ My Tips for Other Beginners!)
Have you ever wondered how it would go if you tried tinting your eyebrows for the first time?
Well. I did it for you.
And put it on the internet.
(You can thank me later).
My History with Eyebrows
So in order for you to really understand if my experience is a good indicator of how yours will go, I bring you my history in doing my eyebrows:
Other people have done my brows for me.
Bless them. These precious moments occurred when:
- Tim and I got married
- Like 3 times at Nordstrom for fun with friends.
I HAVE tried to do my OWN brows a few times. I did them for our vow renewal in 2017, (I practiced maybe 3 times). And there were those (very) few times growing up that I’d buy a brow product and use it 1 time. The next time I’d try to use it, It would be 100% dried up.
So here I am, mid thirties, and have collectively done my eyebrows less than 10 times.
But THIS is my moment.
“Beginner Beauty” as I loving call what I’m doing here, is only a little, tiny part of my mission.
I have found that lack of experience and lack of practice has kept me from trying new things when it comes to that makeup routine I’ve been rocking since age 18.
When I began trying new things a couple of years ago, I discovered there was SO. MUCH. I didn’t yet know about makeup and skincare and hair, and with each new experiment, I gained a new skill AND newfound confidence.
So I decided to make part of my mission to encourage you, friend, to experiment with your beauty routine, so that you can face those “I have no idea what I’m doing!” fears, ultimately leading to the acquisition of more skills and becoming your most confident and beautiful self! (And I’m not talking about makeup here). ❤️
But about these brows…well…they’ve come up on my list of skills to master.
And as for why I chose to try this for the first time while on video? Well, I think there’s so much value in watching someone do something for the first time – it’ll raise questions you may have if you try it, and I believe it’s a more accurate reflection of the true level of difficulty versus watching someone who is experienced try it.
The Eyebrow Tint
I tried some simple techniques this week: applying eyeshadow to darken eyebrows, and using a brow tint gel, and then I just went ahead and jumped RIGHT TO SOMETHING SEMI-PERMANENT LIKE A CRAZY PERSON.
So I went ahead and grabbed this cheap brow tint from Amazon for about $10*:
It says on the box that it lasts for up to 6 weeks, but I’ve heard others say a couple of weeks is more expected.
(*some of these links may be affiliate links, which means if you make a purchase by clicking them, I may earn some coffee money, at no added cost to you! Thank you so much for supporting my work here, friend!)

The Eyebrow Tinting Process
I needed to grab cotton balls, q tips, a 1/4 teaspoon measuring cup, and a little brow brush I had around collecting dust.
- Pour a capsule of powdered dye into this little teeny tiny cup
- Pour 1/4 teaspoon of cream developer into the teeny tiny cup
- Mix with the provided wooden stick
- Apply to eyebrows
- Wipe off with wet cotton ball (or paper towel) after the designated amount of time listed in the instructions.
Like how I just glossed over the “apply to brows” part?
Because THAT is the part, my friend, that takes a little more skill than I had in my “I’ve done my brows less than 10 times” skill shack.
I know you’ll love watching what happened here (and maybe subscribe to my channel while you’re hanging out with me)!
My Eyebrows – Tinting Recommendations
After applying the tint, my brows were WAY darker than expected, and one was more like a fuzzy caterpillar, which the other was more of a… worm? Fabulous. It’s been two days since I did this, and they’re looking decent now, but I want to share some tips here (and things I’ll definitely do if I try this again):
- Don’t get too much product on your brush! Wipe it before you start to avoid dark patches.
- Only leave it on for the shortest amount of recommended time to get started. You can then apply a second coat if it hasn’t reached your desired darkness level!
- Learn how to shape your brows beforehand or you’ll get in a mid-application pickle like me. I had no idea what shape I was going for and I PANICKED.
- Be sure to choose the appropriate shade. I got light brown and I believe I should’ve gone with blonde! There are a few shade options with the tint I got.
- Have a Q-tip handy to touch up any mistakes as you go! (I did not and wish I had).
- Expect imperfection. A friend once told me that brows are supposed to be more like sisters than twins. As I say in the video, mine turned out to be more like distant cousins 😂
Before! During! 😜 After!
I know I’ll do better with the next application!
I hope you found this helpful! If you’re new to brows, I definitely recommend trying some other products for a bit before going straight to the tint, but if you’ve been regularly shaping your brows and applying a pencil or tinted brow gel, you’re probably ready to try this!
Even if it feels scary, doing it scared it better than not trying at all! We are capable of so much more than we think, if we just step out of that comfort zone.
And it may mean rocking mismatched brows for a few days (or weeks)…but it’ll be okay. Promise.
Happy brow tinting (and GOOD LUCK)!
For more beginner beauty tips you can check this post and check back often for more!

Hi, there!
I’m Ann Marie, a blogging mama of 3 lil’ gals, a wife to a busy Orthopedic Surgeon, and a firm believer that you can never have too many chickens.
I’m so, so glad you’re here, where we discuss all things modern farmhouse, garden, motherhood, medical marriage, faith, travel, and more. I’m passionate about inspiring you to move forward in your transformative journey. In fact, I happen to be on one of those myself. Let’s do it together. ❤️
For inspiration between blog posts, find me on Instagram or Facebook. I truly can’t wait to see you there, friend. 💋
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