DIY Ombre Tie Dye: From Plain to Fabulous!
Okay, friends! I’m back with another tie dye adventure and this one was so fun!
I had this shirt, that was just kind of…blah. It was plain white and didn’t fit particularly well, so I decided to give it a glow up with tie dye! It wasn’t too difficult and definitely super cheap!
So if you have something in your closet that is a bit “boring” – this activity is for YOU! Hope you love it!
What You’ll Need

- Foam brush
- Dye (I got mine from THIS tie dye kit)
- Gloves (came in my tie dye kit)
- Two medium bowls
- Something to dye – I’m spicing up my top from YogaClubBox!
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Step 1: Mix the Dye
You’ll want to follow the directions on the dye kit for how much water to add to the dye. In the kit I bought, there was a little bottle with powdered dye already in it, and I added water up to the given line. Then I shook it up to mix the contents as instructed.
Using the tie dye kit I purchased, I selected one color to use. The colors each came in a bottle, with a pre-portioned amount of dye that you would need to fill one bottle. So, I simply added water to the bottle until it reached the line on the bottle. Then I shook the bottle
Step 2: Squirt dye on the part of the garment you want to be the darkest.
In order to get the bottom of my shirt super colorful, I squirted some of the dye right on the shirt.
Step 3: Prep Your Bowls
After a bit of trial-and-error, I determined that the best way to complete this project was to have two bowls – one for water and one for the dye mixture.
So go ahead and pour the remaining dye into to one bowl, and fill the other with water!
Step 3: Spread the dye!
Next, take your foam brush, dip in the water, dip in the dye, and start spreading color from the bottom up. You’ll want to do this slowly in order to avoid dark streaks!
Keep going until you’ve reached the ombre look you’re going for! I tried putting light color at the top on one side of my shirt. And I also tried keeping the top of the shirt white. I liked both.
Side note: I had a couple of spots that had stray dye on them (DARNIT), so I ended up flicking more dye on the top of the shirt so that the errors weren’t as obvious, and I think it turned out GREAT!
Step 4: Let it Sit!
I left mine out overnight just sitting on the garbage bag I was working on.

Step 5: Rinse!
Directions said to rinse garment until water runs clear, using water as warm as the garment washing instructions allows! (You can follow the directions on your tie-dye kit for guidance)!
Step 6: Wash & Dry
Now through that fantastic frock right into the washer and then dry per washing instructions on your clothing item.
Note: my directions said to wash it alone for several washes before washing with other items to avoid dye transfer.
And there you have it!
Which version do you like better?

It’s absolutely not perfect, but now I have some skills that I can put to good use before giving away clothes that aren’t doing it for me. Let me know if you try this! I love seeing your amazing work!
And with that, we’ve wrapped up the tie-dye series!
I know…I’m sad to see it go, too! 😩
You’ll definitely want to check out my other tie dye activity posts, which you can do here:
- How To Create Personalized Tie Dye Coffee Mugs!
- DIY Tie Dye with Bleach: Step-by-Step Instructions!
- How to Create Personalized Tie Dye Towels for Your Kids This Summer!
- The Best Tie Dye Fashion Finds!
And I can assure you, you’re going to LOVE what I have coming up next! Can’t wait to see you there, friends!

Hi, there!
I’m Ann Marie, a blogging mama of 3 lil’ gals, a wife to a busy Orthopedic Surgeon, and a firm believer that you can never have too many chickens.
I’m so, so glad you’re here, where we discuss all things modern farmhouse, garden, motherhood, medical marriage, faith, travel, and more. I’m passionate about inspiring you to move forward in your transformative journey. In fact, I happen to be on one of those myself. Let’s do it together. ❤️
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