The Best of Medical Spouse Support
I remember showing up with my husband for his first event of medical school. We were incredibly green and novice. We had NO. IDEA. what this world we were about to enter would look like, be like, feel like. Along the way, I was (and continue to be) so grateful for each friendship cultivated. Each word of support. Each piece of advice was shared from those who were in the same situation or a step further in the medical spouse and training journey.
After that first day, over the course of the next few years, the spouses of other medical students would become our closest friends. Looking back on it, it makes so much sense. Because no one else can understand the med spouse world like a med spouse. The support required to thrive during these days is unique to the situation.
After the training years, (and after having baby after baby 😅), I finally decided to start a blog and called it ‘Surgeon Wife Life’ to support medical spouses. Although I’ve moved on from that branding, I’ve written a LOT about the medical spouse’s life in hopes that I can be a source of support for those walking through the difficult days. And I keep writing about it because the support of the medical spouse community remains an important part of my mission.
So, here today, I wanted to share some of my most popular medical spouse posts all in one happy little place, for easy access! Additionally, I recently worked on a guest post that I wanted to share, which is linked below.
Most Recent
First, I wanted to share my latest work, which is a guest post on, a new community designed to support medical families. I was incredibly impressed by what I saw and eventually joined the community myself. I certainly hope that you will check them out!
Most Popular
Below, you will find some of my most popular posts. These are the ones that other spouses have found most helpful or interesting along the way.
Most Emotional
Most Informational
Finally, if there’s any way that I can support you on your medical spouse journey, please let me know! I’d love for you to connect with me and others that are on this path as well, my friend! Rooting for you and your families!

Hi, there!
I’m Ann Marie, a blogging mama of 3 lil’ gals, a wife to a busy Orthopedic Surgeon, and a firm believer that you can never have too many chickens.
I’m so, so glad you’re here, where we discuss all things modern farmhouse, garden, motherhood, medical marriage, faith, travel, and more. I’m passionate about inspiring you to move forward in your transformative journey. In fact, I happen to be on one of those myself. Let’s do it together. ❤️
For inspiration between blog posts, find me on Instagram or Facebook. I truly can’t wait to see you there, friend. 💋
To connect, shoot me an email at ❤️
So grateful to have found this blog! My husband and I are praying through what it would look like for me to go to medical school and of course, what family planning would look like in the midst of that! I just binge-read 7 of your posts and I feel so thankful for what you have to offer. Curious if you know any Christian mom physician blogs that could be helpful? Thank you for what you’re doing here on Honestly Ann Marie. -Kelsey